Elisavet’s research work focuses on the intersections between social movements and the state apparatus, which she investigates through the lens of the built environment. Charting an inclusive history of the activities of social movements, including political activism and spatial occupation, her work aims to highlight new local and international networks of exchange, support and struggle among social movements, along with their agency in design histories. Her PhD dissertation comprises a technical and historical archive of care provision infrastructures that emerged from the activities of social movements during the last decade in Greece. It investigates through architecture, the system-building symptom of these initially small-scale independent infrastructures and their attempt to scale up their spatial, organisational and technical systems as they originated in one place, growing in response to particular ecological, legal, political, and institutional techniques.
[Link to the research profile]
Currently, Elisavet is working towards the completion of her PhD thesis, while the following presentations and conference papers emerged from this work:
2020. The constitution of solidarity clinics and pharmacies as spaces for collective care and the effects on marginalized groups in Greece.
Conference paper and round table discussion in: Making-Do in Urbanism and the Arts 2020, conference organised by the UO SLOW LAB, College of Design, University of Oregon, 20 November 2020. [Link to the conference]
2020. 15 November 2013, Athens: The new constitutional charter for healthcare infrastructure and the effects on marginalised groups in Greece.
Paper presentation in: PhD Symposium, organised by the PhD Programme of the School of Architecture, Royal College of Art, London, 13 November 2020.
2020. Collectives of care in architecture.
Paper presentation and round table discussion in: Economies of Exhaustion: The Ethics of Academic, Architectural, Artistic Labour, symposium organised by the Bartlett School of Architecture, and chaired by Jane Rendell and Peg Rawes, London, 05 February 2020. [Link to the symposium]
2018. The rise of solidarity movements and the architecture of collective equipment in Athens.
Paper presentation in: Structural Instabilities, History, Environment, and Risk in Architecture, conference organised by the Weitzman School of Architecture, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 05-06 April 2018. [Link to the conference]